Saturday, April 18, 2009

Random photos in and around Margarita

I am just posting some photos here, not necessarily in the right order but you'll get the general idea.

Below is the view from Marina Juan (just off the dinghy dock).
Another view from Marina Juan

My first view of Margarita. Very built up as you can see - quite the holiday destination for mainland Venezuelans.

Below is the boat's mascot, Emily (we call her Em for short), our baby leopard, who is hamming it up for the camera now, as she steers the boat. LadyH is in the background. Em loves kitkats, small sips of rum, dressing up, playing the fool, crispy bacon, Jack Johnson (singer), long ocean passages, the TV series "LOST", and being told bedtime stories.

This looked spectacular when I saw it. However, in the photo, it just looks very average (rainbow).