Tobago Cays was our next stop after Mayreau - Phillip had been telling me for ages that this was the best water in the Caribbean, and that it would take my breath away, and he was right. Spectacular!
We went snorkeling out on the reef - really excellent, tons of marine life - but the highlight was this spotted eagle ray - he spent ages digging around with his little face in the sand for food and didn't mind if you got fairly close. What a cute little stubby face!
They have an area roped off by one of the islands (Baradel) where there is a turtle reserve. You can snorkel and dive in there, but of course, no boats. Joyce, Phillip and I spent about two or three hours snorkeling here and everywhere we looked, there were turtles, it was just fantastic. You could get up pretty close to them too before they'd swim off - it was delightful (Joyce took her heavy duty underwater camera along and got some great shots).
Joyce and I climbed to the top of Petit Bateau to take some photos - this is me back down on the beach watching about 6 needlefish stalk a school of fish.