For those of you checking the blog website every day, eagerly anticipating what thrilling and exciting adventures we're up to and hanging onto every word (which is most of you, I'm sure), we're still in Antigua. Phillip's boat laptop (with all the nav charts) crashed, so we had to get a new one put in which took a couple of days - essential for navigation and weather charts and sailmail. We had decided to leave Falmouth Harbour today for Jolly Harbour (great supermarket there and Phillip has to meet his rum contact there) but last night and today winds were about 30 knots, and of course, as we would be heading north, they are coming directly from the north. It's only 6 miles, but it would probably take us 6 hours, straight into that kind of wind into 9 foot seas. No thanks. So we're hanging out here. Internet connection on the boat is awful - maybe cos the boat is constantly twisting and turning in the wind, so we had to resort to coming to the Mad Mongoose to use the free wifi here. This is supposedly their webcam
but I can't be bothered to download the software to make it work - but you're welcome to try it.
The Maltese Falcon is in the harbour, world's largest sailing boat. She's beautiful. Available for only 300,000 Euros a week. Anyone? Anyone?
This is Nelson's Dockyard.
And this is the building where the Customs office is.
Weather up and down - when it rains, it rains. When it's windy, boy is it windy. But it's all good!!! Very glad to be here, Antigua is really nice. Saw a mum and baby dolphin yesterday swimming round the boat, and videod them leaping out of the air, but of course, at a distance - so they just look like dots on the horizon, not worth posting, but I wished Annabel was here so she could see them. She would have loved it!
Hope to catch up with Paul and Joyce in Dominica next week and hope to do some diving in Bequia. That's all for now.