We motored down Mosquito Lagoon - what wonderful scenery. We put the sail up a couple of times, but mostly the wind was from the south so it didn't help us at all.
It was a huge, beautiful stretch of open water, very deceiving though because the only navigable areas for us (with a keel of 6.5 feet) are about the size of a normal road (single lane either side). You see miles and miles of open water, yet if you deviate off the plotted chart area even a few feet, you're in very shallow water.
We saw plenty of these magnificent, sort of creepy looking trees along the narrower parts of the ICW, south of Georgia.
Almost home - just two more days and we'll be in Fort Lauderdale.
Stopped in Titusville on the way down - the kind people at the Municipal Dock let us tie Delphinus up there while we went to a great local supermarket (Save a Lot) for provisions - most places charge you for dockage or else insist you buy things from them - they did neither, just offered their kindness to us. As a result, we bought beer, ice-cream, diesel and water from them and thanked them profusely.
We're anchored tonight in Fort Pierce - nice to have some internet for a change - and see the water changing color to blue (from dark green/black). Plenty of dolphins around too! Tomorrow we'll probably do a day-sail on the outside, mainly so Phillip can catch some mahi-mahi. West Palm Beach tomorrow, then Fort Lauderdale Tuesday.