Espenqui again.
Snorkeling between Sarqui and Espenqui. My camera doesn't do it justice.
There were so many fish, in every direction. We truly believe this is the birthplace of all the fish in the Caribbean - there were just so many of them, all shapes and sizes, from fish the size of a dot in huge massive swarms (that's the only real way to explain them - saying a school or shoal of fish really doesn't express just how huge they were). It was almost like hallucinating - fish everywhere, all directions, up down sideways, glittering in the sun.
So many fish - I couldn't resist taking a video, although it's not very good.
My favorite fish is the trunkfish - a huge one swam right in front of me and came so close to the camera. He more or less came and looked right in the lens - of course my camera wasn't switched on at the time (the camera auto switches off after 3 minutes of no use) so I missed the best parts.
After Sarqui, we left for Agua Cay - somehow I didn't take any photos! But after Agua Cay, we left first light for Isla Las Aves.