Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Update (Thursday 9 April)

Spare part still hasn't arrived... grrrr...... should have been in our little paws yesterday 10 am. Anyway, we can't do anything except sit and wait.

Once the spare part has arrived and once it has been installed, and providing nothing else goes wrong, we will head to Los Testigos in Venezuela (supposed to be one of the most beautiful spots around - a group of 16 gorgeous islands make up this Archipelago)

To get there, we'll have to leave Grenada around 3 or 4 in the morning to make it by nightfall (to avoid doing an overnight), we'll have two days there to dive and catch lobsters and then off to Margarita to take on some ballast (rum). Apparently the exchange rate is excellent, so even if the wind is blowing 50 knots on our return, and on a strong port tack, our boat will still be standing upright with the rum on the starboard side, keeping her level. So that's the tentative plan, but as you know, our plans change several times in a day.

Phillip really would like to stay here to do the "hash" where a group of people meet at a local bar and run around the island, meeting back there for some rum. He's doing it purely from a cultural perspective - he feels he should learn more about and interact with the locals and other cruisers and the fact that there is rum involved isn't a contributing factor as to why he wants to do it (he tells me with a straight face.) Whenever I ask him about it, he says with a surprised look "What? There's rum involved? I had no idea." (sigh). He sounds like a regular alcoholic, all this talk of rum - but he just enjoys a tipple before bedtime and that's about it. Honest! "It's a cultural exchange, that's all it is. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, that's what I say. If I have to drink rum, I have to." :-)

For more details see

The next Hash is on Saturday - we may still be here, we may not be (depending on when this spare part arrives), so if we're here, then he'll probably do it.